Combat + Protect Against Coronavirus

Free Resources to Combat COVID-19

Relias specializes in online education solutions for healthcare providers. We are sharing our training and resources to help individuals and healthcare personnel stay safe and informed.

Kay Krafft

A Message from Relias Leadership

Relias’ mission, to improve the lives of the most vulnerable members of society and those who care for them, takes on new meaning amidst this global pandemic.

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COVID-19 Training Courses

Free courses to help ensure your family or organization is doing its part to control and prevent the spread of Coronavirus.

Understand how COVID-19 spreads and identify steps to lessen the risk of exposure or infection.

Take the course in English | Tome el curso en Español

Infection Control for Healthcare Professionals Course

Designed for HCPs, but also appropriate for individuals, this overview reinforces the basics of CDC disinfection guidelines.

Take the course | Accessible Version

woman sneezing into a tissue

Learn to apply scientifically accepted infection control principles to reduce transmission of pathogens.

Take the course in English | Accessible Version

Tome el curso en Español

Personal Protective Equipment Course

Addresses different types of recommended CDC PPE and how to correctly don and doff the needed equipment.

Take the course in English | Accessible version

Tome el curso en Español

Hand Hygiene Basics Course

This micro-course on hand-washing follows CDC disinfection guidelines to provide a refresher on the specific requirements to successfully stop the spread.

Take the course | Accessible version

Preparing for Pandemic Influenza Course

This course spotlights Pandemic flu; it offers principles and practices relevant to viral transmission disease precautions.

Take the course | Accessible version

BioDigital course banner

These resources are being made freely available by BioDigital to help the public understand the science behind this complex virus. Explore the courses below.

COVID-19 Tour | COVID-19 Patheogenesis Tour | COVID-19 Symptoms | COVID-19 Mild, Severe, Critical Symptoms | COVID-19 Vaccine Development | COVID-19 Infection Before and After Vaccination

This course package from Relias Academy educates parents on the ABA techniques you need to help your child while at home.

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Telehealth Courses

Access resources below to help you continue to provide mental health services to your communities. For additional information, visit our dedicated telehealth page.

On the phone

Telephone Triage

Informing nurses about the growing specialty of telephone triage nursing.

Virtual visit with patient

Telemedicine: Virtual Visits With Patients

Information about telemedicine, including types of telemedicine, clinical usage, and supporting technologies.

Telehealth patient visit

Best Practices for Delivering Telehealth

Discusses various modalities of telehealth treatment and most effective approaches.

Computer and headphones

Implementation Guidelines for Telehealth Practitioners

Discusses the logistical elements of implementing a telehealth program into clinical practice and determining readiness in getting started.

Telehealth visit with patients

Telehealth in Clinical Practice

Gain knowledge of using telehealth technologies for behavioral health services, including potential advantages and challenges.

Wellness Series

Many of us are experiencing an increase in stress and associated trauma as this pandemic continues. Utilize these courses to identify and address signs of burnout and learn strategies for better self-care.

Emergency phone

Learn how to use screening instruments and several different models of comprehensive suicide assessment.

Take the course

Portrait of a physician

Both burnout and compassion fatigue make daily tasks difficult due to mental exhaustion from emotional overload. Learn techniques to keep you and those you serve safe.

Take the course

Parent with child on phone

Designed for all direct support professionals, especially those that provide care to people dealing with trauma. Learn how to perform regular self-checks to assess how you are feeling.

Take the course

X-ray of a brain

Designed for licensed professionals with some foundational knowledge of both trauma and neurobiology, this course addresses the specific ways that psychological and physical trauma can impact both the developing brain and the mature, adult brain.

Take the course

Man working at home

Explore factors causing imbalance between work and home and learn how to make changes in both areas to restore balance.

Take the course in English | Tome el curso en Español

Woman appearing stressed

You can’t escape stress, but you can learn to respond differently. Identify triggers, assess your own stress level and develop a personal stress management plan.

Take the course in English | Tome el curso en Español

Woman on public transit wearing mask

Recognize the signs and symptoms of compassion fatigue and learn practical methods to deal with it so you know how to take care of yourself while taking care of others.

Take the course in English | Tome el curso en Español

Phone showing a sleep tracking application

The stress and uncertainty of this time may leave you up at night. Poor sleep quality can also have a long-term impact on physical and emotional health. This course explains why sleep is important and how to improve your quality of sleep.

Take the course in English | Tome el curso en Español

Medical Publications

Free access to Relias Media’s accredited healthcare publications related to COVID-19.

People on public transit

Quantifying the Risk of SARS-CoV-2 Transmission in the United States

Healthcare personnel

Epidemiologic Risk Classification for Asymptomatic Healthcare Personnel

Hospital medicine drip bag

Pharmacotherapy Considerations for COVID-19

Hospital personnel

Work With Public Health Partners on Treatment, Care of Patients Diagnosed With COVID-19

Public transit

CDC Revises Guidelines as Coronavirus Spreads in United States


Preserving Respirators and Extending Use

Emergency sign. "Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak"

COVID-19 Outbreak in Nursing Home Includes HCW Infection, Resident Deaths

Doctor examining patient

Frontline Providers Use Lessons Learned During 2014 Ebola Crisis to Manage COVID-19

Woman rubbing her eyes

Recognition is especially meaningful during the COVID-19 pandemic

Man wearing mask looking out a window

During coronavirus pandemic, nurses need leaders who advocate for them

Woman getting a medical test procedure

A Veteran Nurse Becomes a Patient, Faces Down COVID-19


Know More. Get Better.

Access to additional resources.